Genetics & Color Information
Color Terminology
This refers to a specific color family or wavelength. It is the most basic form of color, such as the primary colors: blue, red, and yellow.
The term 'chroma' refers to a color's saturation or intensity. A higher saturation indicates greater color purity.
Color Temperature
Genetic Terminology
Incomplete Dominant
Co Dominant
XY and ZW Chromosomes
Homologous Recombination
Oculocutaneous Albinism, OCA
T-/T+, Tyrosinase Negative/Positive, OCA Type IA/IB
Hypopigmentation, OCA Type IV
Genetic Traits We Work With
(Disclaimer, I am not a geneticist, I am an artist. Descriptions are based on their visual representation, as observed through the lens of color theory.)
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color mutation, also known as T-, Tyrosinase Negative, OCA Type I or Amelanistic. “Albino” presents with a lack of melanin (black & brown pigments), pink eyes and tongue and pink/orange/yellow blotched white bellies. (See Oculocutaneous Albinism above)
TLDR: Heterozygous, co dominant, pattern mutation, single form presents with reduced body pattern and fused back saddles, white side-walls frame a solid or dark colored belly, with some variation in combos. Captive bred by Brent Bumgardner in 2004. (see explanation of co dom/incomplete dom, above)
Super Conda
TLDR: Homozygous, co dominant, pattern mutation, double or “Super” form presents with a completely reduced “patternless” body. Side-walls and belly are more defined and heavily contrasted than the single form Anaconda pattern. (This is Lavender’s favorite mutation!)
TLDR: Heterozygous, co dominant, color enhancement mutation; single form presents with an increase of leucophores in the body color (white pigments) and heavier concentration of melanin (black & brown) in the saddles. This creates lighter, “creamy” tinted bodies with higher contrast in the saddles and head stamps. The lower expression presents with darker stripes of melanin at the edges of saddles on a lighter brown/gray body, darker than high-expression, sometimes higher white concentration around saddles and head stamp. Also known as JMG Axanthic. Produced by Jeff Galewood Jr. @JMGReptile by separating the epistastic relationship between Lemon Ghost & Arctic mutations.
(see epistasis and incomplete/co dominance above)
Super Arctic
TLDR: Homozygous, co dominant, color enhancement mutation, “Super” form presents with the highest melanin concentration in the saddles and further enhances leucophores in the body coloration, creating a high-contrast, black/brown, & white morph. They often have transparent scales along cheeks and bellies, and rose-pink tails and cheeks.
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color mutation, Axanthic presents with a reduction or removal of xanthophores and erythrophores (yellow & red pigments) producing an over all neutral gray-toned & white morph. Similar in appearance to Arctic, except two copies are needed to produce visuals. Instead of increased leucophores there is a suppression of xanthophores. First produced by Brent Bumgardner in 2009.
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color mutation presents as a creamy caramel body color with darker caramel saddles and a reduced or removed head stamp. Produced by Craig Trumbower in 2001. (See OCA Type II, hypopigmentation above)
Dutch/Evans Hypo
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color mutation. Presents with reduced melanin (hypomelanistic pigmentation), producing tan/cream morphs with reduction in black/brown saddles, purplish eyes, tongues, and bellies. Red lineages will be more red/orange than tan in the saddles. Evans Hypo was founded by Richard Evans in the late 90’s. The first Dutch Hypos were produced in the Netherlands by Michel Klumpers and were said to be of red lineage, though red lines exist of both lines. (see OCA Type IV & hypopigmentation above)
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color mutation, presents as pink-brown-lavender body color & saddles with a reduction in melanin and overall contrast, matching eyes, tongues, and bellies. First produced by David Turcotte in 2008. (see OCA Type I-IV above)
RBE Pastel
TLDR: Dominant, color enhancement mutation, Pastel presents as a brightening and lightening of body color and pattern, pushing the xanthophores (yellows/reds/whites) in some combos. Pastel line founded by Reptiles Breeding Enterprises.
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color enhancement mutation, presents with hypermelanistic pigmentation (heavy concentration of black & brown) in the body and pattern. Transparent scales on belly and face often present.
Toffee Belly
TLDR: Homozygous, recessive, color mutation, presents as lack of melanin and a creamy colored body with darker toned toffee saddles, purplish eyes and tongue and a darker toffee belly. (see OCA Type II above)